
Last December, I took a trip to Mexico with my family. We drove 23 Hrs. by car from Georgia all the way to San Luis Potosi, Mexico. The journey took us four days and was one that I will never forget. Our mission leaving Georgia was to reach the border by December 20. Why such a specific date you may ask? Well, we were going travel in Mexico with a caravan of other cars. The caravan was meant as a form of protection in numbers while traveling to, San Luis Potosi, our final destination.

The Border

To be honest it might have been better for us to not have gone with the carvan because the amount of cars that were involed made the trip crossing the border so hectic. There were hundreds of cars that could be seen with the distinct stickers placed to identify those in the caravan. From our starting point in Laredo, Tx to cross the border it was supposed to be only 20 minutes, but with the high volume of people trying to cross it took us 5 hours to even cross the border.

Pujal Coy, Mexico

Our family is from a small pueblo called Pujal Coy and almost everyone in the family was making the journey back home for New Year's. My abuelito wanted to throw a big New Years party with everyone. The whole family stayed in our small family home and since there were way too many people and not enough beds I had to sleep outside in a tent. It kind of sucked, but everything else made up for it. Life in Mexico is so different than in the United States and coming to Mexico is always a great time. While in Mexico we went to where my grandpa has all the cows our family owns. My Uncle is a farmer and he helps take care of the land and cows.

Jalpan, Mexico

Jalpan is where my mom's aunts live. It's up in the mountain so the air always feels fresher and so does the water. A downside of going to Jalpan is that since it's in the mountains getting there is kind of dangerous. This picture of me going to the big Jalpan sign they have for tourists.